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Coane and Associates, PLLC - Hallandale Beach, FL

1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd.Suite PH2 Hallandale Beach, FL 33009

Virtual Appointments

Updated: 05/24/2024

Hallandale Beach Employees' Rights Law Firm


The law firm of Coane and Associates, PLLC was founded by Bruce A. Coane in 1983. The firm consists of attorneys, legal assistants, and other support staff, all working as a team to provide the highest quality of legal services. Our diversity, coupled with our belief in team work, ensures that effective, comprehensive services are provided to each client. We seek to maintain responsibility, integrity, and confidentiality in all of our relationships.

The firm prides itself in providing legal expertise in a wide range of business and personal matters. Coane and Associates, PLLC is a full-service general practice firm. We regularly represent clients in employment and labor law, as well as immigration law. Our other areas of practice include litigation, appeals, personal injury, state and federal administrative proceedings, business and commercial law, school law, family law, contracts and other general civil matters. Our practice is both nationwide and international. We have represented or consulted with clients from all fifty states and more than one hundred countries. We represent clients before government agencies and various courts throughout the United States. We have the capability and experience of associating with co-counsel throughout the United States and throughout the world, where necessary.

About Coane and Associates, PLLC

Practice Areas

  • Employees' Rights
  • Employment Law -- Employee
  • Labor Law
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Whistleblower/Qui Tam
  • Wrongful Termination -- Employee


  • Spanish
  • Chinese
  • German
  • Hungarian
  • Romanian
  • Korean
  • Russian

Pro Bono Activities

  • Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program




  • Mara De Guzman, Social Media Associate
  • Shahzad A. Chohan, Legal Assistant
  • Jose Martinez, Marketing Director, 713-850-0066
  • Maibis Palmero, Administrative Assistant, 305-701-4624
  • Katharine Wright, Legal Assistant, 713-850-0066
  • Faizan Ahmed Samoo, Immigration Consultant, 713-850-0066
  • Lorena Santos-Garcia, Executive Assistant/Legal Assistant, 713-850-0066
  • Jessica Coane, Chief Information Officer, 713-850-0066
  • Sueli Correa, Immigration Paralegal and Legal Assistant, 305-538-6800
  • Robb King, Office Manager, 713-850-0066

Office Information


1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd.Suite PH2 Hallandale Beach, FL 33009


  • 832-558-1780

Accepts Credit Cards


Other Offices

Coane and Associates, PLLC (Main Office) 1688 Meridian Avenue 7th Floor Miami Beach, FL 33139 713-352-0965

Coane and Associates, PLLC 5177 Richmond Ave. Suite 770 Houston, TX 77056 713-352-0965




  • Harris County Bench Bar Pro Bono Award, 2015 - Present
  • Equal Access to Justice Champion Award
  • Houston Bar Foundation Outstanding Boutique Firm Contribution Award



  • FMLA Issues
  • Age, Race, Sex & Religious Discrimination
  • Disability Discrimination
  • Wrongful Termination
  • Sexual Harassment

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1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd.Suite PH2 Hallandale Beach, FL 33009

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