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Kerley & Talken PC - Springfield, IL

431 S. Grand Ave West Springfield, IL 62704

Updated: 02/03/2025

Springfield Estate Planning Law Firm


The attorneys at the Kerley & Talken PC provide dedicated and knowledgeable legal representation. From our office in Springfield, we represent clients throughout central Illinois.

Our law firm provides legal service in three main areas of law:

  • Personal injury: We represent people who are injured in car, truck, motorcycle, and bicycle accidents, lip and falls, medical malpractice, legal malpractice and other types of injuries involving negligence. The insurance company will not look out for your best interests if you are injured. Our lawyers will.
  • Divorce and family law: Legal issues involving your family can be difficult to solve without a legal advocate in your corner. Our lawyers will guide you through the legal steps of divorce, a child custody proceeding, paternity action or other family law matter.
  • Estate planning and probate: Planning your estate can prevent unintended consequences for your loved ones. Our lawyers will tailor your estate plan to your assets, your family and your goals by preparing the proper Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, and Living Wills. We also represent families and personal representatives in probate proceedings.

No matter what legal issue you are dealing with, we offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case and answer your questions. To schedule a consultation with a caring lawyer at the Kerley & Talken PC, call 217-814-0148.

About Kerley & Talken PC

Practice Areas

  • Estate Planning
  • Wills
  • Trusts
  • Probate
  • Family Law
  • Divorce
  • Child Custody and Visitation or Parenting Time
  • Estate Administration
  • Adoption
  • Guardianship
  • Child Support
  • Personal Injury
  • Father's Rights



Office Information


431 S. Grand Ave West Springfield, IL 62704


  • 217-523-0009

Offers Free Initial Consultation


Accepts Credit Cards



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By Jonathan R. on Mar. 03, 2024

5.0 out of 5 stars

I hired John Kerley to rewrite my outdated will, He =sent me a draft which required a few minor changes, and these were taken care of quickly, I returned to his office, signed the documents, and was pleased that he had added a blank addendum page so that I could make minor changes, if needed. His fee was very reasonable, much lower than I had paid for the last will. I also liked Mr. Kerley on a personal level. He is nice, helpful, and respectful of my wishes. I would recommend him and his firm to anyone looking for an attorney in his areas of practice.

Call us at 217-814-0148

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Firm Address

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431 S. Grand Ave West Springfield, IL 62704

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