By Anonymous on Jan. 14, 2024
Hired attorney 2022-2023
Reasons you should NOT hire Charles Flynn: 1. Charles Flynn was ALWAYS truant to every court proceeding! Even to trial. 2. “Charlie” never properly investigated my case or my allegations. (He needed to interview two important people for my case—never did (I have proof). 3. Charles Flynn remained in contact with my coparent for 3-6 months prior to ever meeting me or hearing my case. (What happened to equity and equality)? 4. Charles Flynn tried to convince me to take a bogus plea deal that would have negatively impacted my ability to take care of myself and resume joint custody. (Right after his phone call, my charges were dismissed the next day). 5. Charles never interviewed my therapist or psychiatrist. I sent him 2 HIPPA releases, day 1 of us meeting, and “Mr. Flynn” still never got in contact with either professional. Mr. Flynn relied on me to bring my medical records when he had one year to get my records and analyze them to really have an accurate assessment of the case at hand. 6. The judge never took “Charlie” who was as immensely late to court—serious. She wouldn’t even listen to his recommendations. She never gave a flip about his “expert opinion.” —everrr. 7. When I called other lawyers—appellant lawyers to be more forthcoming, they even knew of Charles Flynn—and already knew he didn’t fight on the behalf of my kid and they knew he didn’t investigate. I will not use any names, however—CHARLES FLYNN does not have a good reputation amongst his colleagues through the Saint Louis County Courts. He’s known to be a lazy revenue generator who doesn’t fight on the behalf ANY client. He does not contribute to any positive change in anyone’s life. He’s only employed to make someone else’s law firm money. (Had I known, I would’ve requested a new GAL immediately). (I called soooo many lawyers—they knew of Dunlop and expected him to behave the way we all have seen in court. (Bully and aggressive like). I’m not mad at it because he came to fight and win on the behalf of HIS client. He’s an old cuck that’s apart of the good ol boys club. A club Charlie wants to be in but can’t get in. Again, Charlie can’t even make partner. And, to this day, he still has not made partner. But, since he can’t make partner or win cases—-he has to only be in this for money. He will hustle you for money but won’t win your case. He’s just a run of the mill associate. He doesn’t want to be a GAL. But, no one is hiring him so he only can accept what the court offers him. Family court cases for him is all about money. He’s not in this to restore a broken family. Because if he were doing this with honest intentions, he would have been a better advocate for my child. My kid was just another dollar to Charles. He proved it the moment the judge entered in the judgment. I emailed him to ask a question about the decree and instead of him replying back, he sent out an invoice e-mail instead. If you’re going to represent children, do it with your all and mean it. Truly investigate with no biases. Don’t ever be the reason why a child is being placed in the wrong home. Charles has a lackadaisical approach to law. That is very dangerous to have a representative of law showcasing such behavior. I believe his fight for power and not attaining such, has made him lazy.