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Amanda J. Bonnesen - Pittsburgh, PA

800 Waterfront Dr Pittsburgh, PA 15222 - 4718

Super Lawyers®


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Updated: 06/24/2021

Pittsburgh Social Security Disability (SSD) Lawyer


Attorney Amanda J. Bonnesen was born in Wheeling, West Virginia in 1981 where she graduated from the Linsly School in 1999. She then attended the University of South Carolina where she earned her bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. She was also named to the Criminal Justice Honor Society and was a participant in the National Student Exchange at the University of Wyoming. Being an independent thinker and wanting to further her own ideas, Ms. Bonnesen went on to earn her Juris Doctor in 2006 from the University of Dayton School of Law. During law school, she participated in the Pro Bono Appellate Project and served in the University’s Law Clinic where she offered free legal assistance to those in need. She also clerked for Judge Walter Rice in Federal District Court of the Sixth circuit and Judge Jennifer Sargus in Belmont County, Ohio. Ms. Bonnesen began her legal career as an Assistant Public Defender in Allegheny County, where she gained extensive courtroom experience.

Attorney Bonnesen is a Social Security disability attorney at Berger and Green, P. C., where she represents individuals in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia in Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) cases. What she enjoys most about being an attorney with Berger and Green, is the interaction she has with her clients on a daily basis.

Each of Ms. Bonnesen’s cases are important and memorable to her. She understands what these benefits mean to her clients. This gives her the drive and compassion to fight for them. She wants anyone who is perusing disability benefits to understand that this is a long process but to never give up. She urges her clients to stay in necessary medical treatment and comply with any requests from the Social Security Administration. Ms. Bonnesen hopes that once the Social Security disability process has come to an end, her clients can finally be at ease and focus on their health.

Attorney Bonnesen is a member of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives (NOSSCR) and the Allegheny County Bar Association (ACBA) where she sits on the Allegheny County Bar Association Social Security Practitioners Committee. She is licensed to practice in all Pennsylvania State and Federal Courts and in all Social Security Courts throughout the United States.

Outside of the courtroom Ms. Bonnesen enjoys horseback riding and training for marathons, pushing herself to reach new goals. She shares her home with her husband Billy and her two pets.

Attorney Bonnesen is a determined, kind and empathetic attorney who is dedicated to advocating for individuals who can no longer work due to their disabilities

About Amanda J. Bonnesen

Practice Areas

  • Social Security Disability (SSD)

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Managing Partner


Bar Admissions

  • Pennsylvania
  • U.S. Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania
  • U.S. Bankruptcy Court Western District of Pennsylvania
  • U.S. District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania
  • U.S. District Court Western District of Pennsylvania
  • U.S. Court of Appeals 3rd Circuit

Other Affiliations

  • Allegheny County Bar Association (Member)
  • National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives (NOSSCR) (Member)
  • Allegheny County Bar Association (Member, Social Security Practitioners Committee)


  • University of Dayton School of Law, Dayton, Ohio, 2006
  • University of South Carolina
    Honors: Criminal Justice Honor Society
    Major: Criminal Justice

Past Positions

  • Judge Walter Rice in Federal District Court of the Sixth Circuit, Law Clerk
  • Judge Jennifer Sargus in Belmont County, Ohio, Law Clerk
  • Allegheny County, Assistant Public Defender


Other Sources of Feedback About Amanda J. Bonnesen

Included on the 2021 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers list

Past Lists

  • 2020 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers list
  • 2019 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers list
  • 2018 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers list
  • 2017 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers list

View the profile for Amanda J. Bonnesen on Super Lawyers




Office Information


800 Waterfront Dr Pittsburgh, PA 15222 - 4718


  • 412-661-9423

Accepts Credit Cards


Office Hours

24 hours 7 days

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800 Waterfront Dr Pittsburgh, PA 15222 - 4718

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