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Farr Law Firm, P.C. - Fairfax, VA

10640 Main StSuite 200 Fairfax, VA 22030

Updated: 11/11/2024

Fairfax Elder Law Firm


Farr Law Firm in Fairfax, Virginia, uses our knowledge and understanding of the law to help elderly clients plan for their long-term care. Our elder law firm utilizes a holistic approach to ensure our clients obtain the highest quality of care at the lowest cost possible. For many, this goal is tricky, as Medicaid eligibility rules are overly complex. However, by implementing a strategy that involves protecting assets and using the resources available, it is a goal with which we have a long track record of success.

Though our primary focus is on elder law, we want to ensure our clients enjoy the comprehensive legal care they need to obtain the much-deserved peace of mind. Our team of skilled attorneys also has extensive experience with estate planning. From helping draft basic wills to creating complex trusts, Fairfax residents know they can count on us for their estate planning needs.

The founder of Farr Law Firm, Evan H. Farr, is a four-time best-selling author. His published works include the Nursing Home Survival Guide, TAX-FREE MONEY for LONG-TERM CARE! and PROTECT & DEFEND. He is also one of the leading elder law, veterans planning, Medicaid planning, asset protection and estate planning lawyers in all of Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C. Our firm routinely receives positive attention because of our dedication to helping seniors and their loved ones preserve their quality of life, dignity and financial security. Our law firm offers free consultations and accepts credit cards.

About Farr Law Firm, P.C.

Practice Areas

  • Elder Law
  • Estate Planning




  • Jeannie Farr, Director of Client Services, Client Care Coordinator, and Patient Advocate
  • Connie Fregm, Senior Asset Protection Paralegal
  • Seresa El-Gafy, Senior Asset Protection and Probate Paralegal
  • Craig Duncan
  • Debbie Mitchell, Client Services Assistant
  • Renee Eder, Director of Public Relations
  • Stefanie Monte
  • Corrina Naranjan
  • Natasha Cranford, Asset Protection Paralegal
  • Arlene Figueroa, Asset Protection Paralegal
  • Tim Farr
  • Sierra Kolasa

Office Information


10640 Main StSuite 200 Fairfax, VA 22030


  • 703-345-9999

Payment Plans Accepted


Accepts Credit Cards


Other Offices

Farr Law Firm 1775 I Street, NW Suite 1150 Washington, DC 20006 703-349-4809

Farr Law Firm 1 Research Court Suite 450 Rockville, MD 20850 703-349-4809

Farr Law Firm 511 Westwood Office Park Fredericksburg, VA 22401 703-349-4809



Lawyers at Farr Law Firm, P.C. selected for a Super Lawyers® list


  • Certified Elder Law Attorney
  • NAELA Council of Advanced Practitioners
  • Virginia Super Lawyer
  • DC Super Lawyer
  • Martindale-Hubbel AV Rating
  • Avvo 10/10 Rating



  • Nursing Home Survival Guide , Published by Quality Legal Publications, LLC Fairfax, Virginia, First Printing April , 2013
    Nursing Home Survival Guide: Helping You Protect Your Loved Ones Who Need Nursing Home Care by Preserving Dignity, Quality of Life, and Financial Security
  • How to Protect Your Assets from Probate PLUS lawsuits PLUS Nursing Home Expenses eith the Living Trust Plus, Published by Quality Legal Publications, LLC Fairfax, Virginia, First Printing April , 2013
    Helping You Protect Your Loved Ones Who Need Nursing Home Care by Preserving Dignity, Quality of Life, and Financial Security
  • PROTECT & DEFEND, Celebrity Press, 2012
    Will teach you the legal steps you need to take to safeguard your family, your business, and your money. Learn what it takes to protect your rights and defend you and your loved ones from unforeseen legal threats.
  • Protecting Your Assets from Probate and Long-Term Care, Allworth Press, 2017
    "Protecting Your Assets from Probate and Long-Term Care” teaches you how to protect your assets and the steps to take to not allow the system bankrupt you and your loved ones.
    The safe measures to insure you long term money growth.

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By Anonymous on Jul. 24, 2024
Verified Client

5.0 out of 5 stars

Farr Law Firm helped us develop a comprehensive estate plan with a family trust and a special needs trust that met all our needs to ensure funding for our disabled son. Importantly, they helped us understand the language of each trust and how to operate them. We have great confidence in our estate plan due to the wonderful support we received from Farr Law Firm.

By Joanne W. on Dec. 06, 2021
Verified Client

4.0 out of 5 stars

My spouse and I wanted a professional, experienced and customer-focused law firm to help us develop practical plans to effectively manage our affairs as we age, at end of life and be a resource for subsequent trustee upon our transition. We are pleased we selected Farr Law Firm. After initial discussions with Evan, the weight of our anxiety about conveying and trusting someone with such an important and critical aspects of our life and death dissipated. Evan listened, understood our concerns and replied to our many questions with understanding and respect. We believe we have found a firm with integrity, consummate knowledge of elder law and estate planning, and a potent network of kindred professions to aid in addressing and solving any future needs we may have. We believe Farr Law firm will be here for the long term, has depth of legal talent and can provide practical counsel and recommendations and without even a hint of bureaucracy.

Call us at 703-349-4809

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Firm Address

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10640 Main StSuite 200 Fairfax, VA 22030

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