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Drake Law Offices, PLLC - Renton, WA

451 SW 10th St.Suite 215 Renton, WA 98057

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Updated: 11/11/2024

Renton Criminal Defense Law Firm


Residents of Renton, Washington, and the Seattle metropolitan area can turn to Drake Law Offices, PLLC, for compassionate, knowledgeable representation in areas of administrative law and criminal defense. Following a lifelong passion for pursuing justice, I handle each client and case with care and diligence, working for a favorable resolution.

Practice Areas for the Needs of All

At my law office, I handle two major areas of practice:

  • Criminal Defense
  • Administrative Law

In Criminal Defense cases, I carefully examine the evidence, corroborate testimony and pursue every avenue available to get your case dismissed or minimize the consequences of a possible conviction. Whatever your legal need in these areas, I commit to representing your interests and handling your case with compassion.

Administrative Law encompasses every state agency in Washington, and all federal agencies. I have limited my Administrative Law practice to unemployment benefits appeals (Employment Security Department, Washington State); state Fish & Wildlife infractions and crimes; federal Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (claimant's side); and Workers' Compensation claims (also known as L&I claims).

Decisions That Make a Difference

Here at Drake Law Offices, PLLC, you receive an individualized plan for pursuing justice or clearing your name. The law is often complex, with the processes for filing paperwork, gathering evidence and going to trial often lasting weeks or months. Your situation is unique, and I will work with you while drawing on my experience so that you can make informed decisions. Connect with me to determine how my services could help your outcome.

About Drake Law Offices, PLLC

Practice Areas

  • Criminal Defense
  • Administrative Law
  • DUI
  • Traffic Infractions
  • Department of Fish & Wildlife (Infractions and Crimes)
  • Unemployment Benefits Appeals (ESD)
  • Admin Law
  • Domestic Violence


  • 80%


  • English (Primary)



Office Information


451 SW 10th St.Suite 215 Renton, WA 98057


  • 425 264 2002

Offers Free Initial Consultation


Payment Plans Accepted


Accepts Credit Cards


Office Hours

9:00am-4:00pm Monday-Thursday / 9:00am-1:00pm Fridays
Phones Answered 24/7


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By Anonymous on Dec. 01, 2023
Verified Client

5.0 out of 5 stars

Man oh man where do I begin? Timera has been a great attorney for me and my family! If there is anyone to recommend to you for ANYTHING please just reach out to Timera! She?s spectacular in what she does! If it were criminal or family or just anything in law! Contact her and see what she can do for you! If I can choose more stars I would! Thank you Timera!!! ?

Call us at 425-504-7346

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Firm Address

425 264 2002
Google Map
451 SW 10th St.Suite 215 Renton, WA 98057

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